Cayley School
March 10, 2016
Colleen Jantzen invited me out to Cayley school today to talk to the kids about my new children's book, The Smooch. I enjoyed spending the morning reading the book, talking about the inspiration behind it and how I draw the illustrations. Cayley students were very welcoming and it was fun to spend the morning with not only the Cayley Book Fairy, but most importantly the kids. Thanks for all the fun decor and the time spent to make me feel comfortable.

Blackie Elementary School
March 1, 2016
Amazed at this great group of students. They asked me some very good questions and listened so intently. A big shout out to my special friend at the monitor. She helped me show the kids how I NOW draw. Not only was she a great help, but she's also a red headed beauty like Seleena from the book!


Ecole Joe Clark School
February 10, 2016
What a fun bunch! After all these years I think I finally have found MY people, grade one's! Loved sharing with you all today and so glad for all of your questions.

Join us at the High River Library for our first reading!
February 6, 2016
Come and join me at the High River Centennial Library at 2pm in the afternoon for my very first reading of 'The Smooch'.
The library is located at 909 1 St. SW High River, AB.
Can't wait to see you all!

February 13, 2016
On February 13, 2016 between 2-4pm at 'A River Ran Through Cafe' we are having a little party for all to come by and check out 'The Smooch'. There will be light refreshments and treats; as well as, a great little book for Valentine's Day! I would love to see as many of you out, so I can say 'Thank-you' personally! Love KJ

Karon's debut show and sale was a hit!
Held at the High River Culture Centre on April 6, 2013,
this joint show and sale featured Karon's most recent work on canvas and images from her children's books.
The event also showcased the stunning wildlife photography fellow High Riverite and friend,

The event was exceedingly well attended, with an estimated 250 - 300 people braving the winter roads to take in the collection of fine art and photographs.

Sale of these items was by silent auction. All Karon's originals sold the night of the event, and numerous prints were ordered for future delivery.
Pictures of the event shown below.
Into the Wild
Art Show & Sale